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viernes, 11 de junio de 2010

The new york times 11/6/2010

The new york times 11/6/2010

carlos pelayo

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mostrar detalles 09:35 (5 minutos antes)

Will Obama Push for Financial Stability?
Today's Economist

Simon Johnson, the former chief economist at the International
Monetary Fund, is the co-author of “13 Bankers.”

The official reconciliation process between Senate and House
financial-regulation bills will begin next week, but the
behind-the-scenes maneuvering and intense lobbying is already well
under way. The main remaining question is whether the final
legislation will ultimately make the financial system at all safer
than it was in the run-up to the crisis of September 2008.

How do big banks repeatedly get themselves into so much trouble?
Dangerous banking in today’s world involves banks trading securities
and, in that context, taking positions — that is, betting their own
capital. For example, almost all the profits made by big banks in
2009 came from securities trading. When market conditions are
favorable and traders get lucky, the people running these banks (and,
hopefully, their shareholders) receive tremendous profits. But when
this same risk-taking behavior results in big losses, the major
negative impact is felt in terms of a major recession, raising
government debt and sharply lower employment.

“Wall Street gets the upside, and society gets the downside” is an old
saying now more relevant than ever. This asymmetry in incentives
explains how smart people with concentrated financial power can cause
so much damage — as the Bank of England, among others, has

The derivatives market is the arena where much of this risk-taking
activity occurs. And while the financial regulatory bill makes some
effort to bring the derivatives market onto exchanges — although the
exemptions granted are far too sweeping — it does disappointingly
little to separate out risky trading from the critical banking
infrastructure, the payments system and relatively boring parts of
traditional retail and commercial banking without which any modern
economy cannot operate.

Ending the cohabitation of the risky and the boring is exactly what
inspired the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 and, while these specific
arrangements had drawbacks and ultimately broke down, they did serve
the American economy well for close to 50 years. (James Kwak and I
review exactly what happened to Glass-Steagall and why in the book “13

The spirit of the reforms advocated by Paul Volcker and his current
thinking on the subject — championed, at least in principle, by the
Obama administration — is to update and apply the principles behind
Glass-Steagall. We need to separate the relatively high-risk parts of
banking from the relatively boring and safer parts that are essential
to the payments system and to the routine credit needs of households
and business.

Two proposals currently under consideration for the reconciliation of
the Senate and House versions of the bill seek to address this
problem. While each is valuable, they come at the problem from
different directions.

Senator Blanche Lincoln’s approach — which focuses exclusively on
derivatives trading (the purview of the Agriculture Committee, of
which she is chairwoman) — would require banks to set up separate
subsidiaries, within which they would need to hold a great deal more
capital against their trading books. In this way, her approach
addresses all derivatives trading, including the use of their own
capital (known as proprietary capital)

The Lincoln proposal would have real teeth and — if properly
implemented by regulators — would make derivatives trading
substantially less risky. It would also make such trading less
profitable; requiring more capital to be held against losses will also
reduce the potential for profits. This is a feature, not a bug.
Naturally, the big Wall Street banks are furious and fighting hard,
with all the lobbying power and potential campaign contributions at
their disposal, to ensure that profits prevail over social
considerations (that’s their job, after all). All indications are that
the megabanks will prevail and the Lincoln proposal will be stripped
from the final bill.

Senators Jeff Merkley and Carl Levin would go a considerable distance
in the same direction, although with greater focus on separating out —
and not allowing, if regulators follow through — the bets with
proprietary capital that recently crippled even the biggest banks.
Remember that Bear Stearns and Lehman were broken by their holdings of
toxic real estate-related assets, while Citigroup, Bank of America and
others were brought low by wrongly believing that certain kinds of
derivatives were good bets.

The Merkley-Levin approach leaves client-focused trading (buying and
selling securities for others) where it is now within the big banks,
but would exclude the inappropriate use of proprietary capital across
all types of financial instruments — not just derivatives. The
Merkley-Levin amendment gathered great momentum in the Senate and
would almost certainly have prevailed in a floor vote, but through
some parliamentary maneuvering, no doubt abetted by banking lobbyists,
it was denied a vote.

Within the reconciliation process, Merkley-Levin still has a chance,
although the precise odds depend on how hard the White House wants to
fight. The president announced the Volcker rule to great acclaim in
late January, but unfortunately the detailed follow-up by his own team
was lackluster at best. Senators Merkley and Levin stepped into the
political and legislative gap, pushing hard for at least some version
of the Volcker principles to be adopted in Senator Christopher J.
Dodd’s bill.

They were turned back at every stage but have remained doggedly on
message. Ultimately, this comes down to President Obama. Is he willing
to put his political capital seriously into play? Or is his newfound
(and oil-spill inspired) rhetoric against runaway corporate power and
pathetic regulation at best completely empty and at worst a
smokescreen for continued abuses?

We will learn a great deal in the coming weeks, not just about the
future stability of our financial system, but also about what
President Obama really stands for.

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